About us

The IEEC is a recently created institution that focuses all its efforts and resources on the study, teaching and dissemination of Egyptology and Coptology at a national and, therefore, international level, its main purpose being the realization of archaeological projects and heritage in Egypt. Formed by a cast of specialists in various disciplines and subdisciplines such as landscape archaeology, architecture, sculpture, Egyptian in any of its manifestations (hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic, Coptic) or Hellenistic Greek, it aims to be a center that brings together on the one hand, the purely academic and research aspect and, on the other, aspects focused on the dissemination of more general content that allows a broad sector of society to get closer to Egyptian culture, always based on scientific rigor, albeit with nuances. clearly didactic, through talks, colloquiums or children's workshops.

From the IEEC we believe that it is of vital importance to publicize through publications, congresses, seminars and conferences the new research that is being developed both at a Spanish and international level in the field of Egyptology, including one of the most important stages of the Egyptian language. unknown by the general public and even by the academic and research sector itself, Coptic, which presents an abundant literary and artistic expression.

At the same time, the center also arises with a training need for those new researchers who require training in certain aspects of Egyptology and Coptology outside the Spanish University, whose educational programs do not allow access to certain teachings or contents.
Non-profit, we are waiting for you with open arms. The initial activity of the Spanish Institute of Egyptology and Coptology (IEEC) will initially be carried out online, through this website, which will be fully operational shortly.

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